


Tuesday, April 28, 2020

3 Trending Architectural Designs That Will Redefine The Coming Decade

With cutting-age trends here to genre-defining technology there – the architectural designs Berkshire in 2020 is undergoing a sea of change. So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that you have landed here out of all the places you could have been!  

No further beating around the bush. Here are some of the best architectural trends on 2020 that will set its benchmark even in the upcoming decades. Let’s begin, shall we?

Small space living
Living in small spaces is inspiring many. And, not just because of the population boom! Enormous buildings are leaving behind massive carbon footprint that is “contributing” to global warming.
So, from now on SMALL is the new BIG.

World is becoming fast – and so should you!
Looking in amazement of an art-deco structure is a treat for your eyes, not for your senses. Want coffee? Go all the way down to the first floor. Craving to take an hour-long bath? Well, take the goddamn elevator up to the fifth floor.
As frightening it might seem, the reality is even worse. So, make things compact. Your architectural designs Berkshire should be a healthy balance of opulence and accessibility.

Smart homes
Forgot to turn off the lights?

Even worse, is the stove still ON? Heck! You could be in serious trouble if you forget all these little things in life.

But, with smart homes, you can take up things s notch higher. Snap your fingers to turn on the AC. Leave the room and lights go OFF. If the oven is still ON – you get notified in your smartphone.

This isn’t Sci-Fi. Smart homes are now a thing. You could be a part of them too! Ask your architects in Berkshire to merge utility with smartness.
Innovation, baby!

Accept it. Embrace it. Love it.


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